How to import goods in Russia? Procedure for Importing Goods

Import of goods in Russia is a complex procedure and is very tough from similar activities. Despite this lot of companies are showing their interest in importing their products to Russia and the countries of Customs Union.

As per Russia Import Data, the procedure of importing goods to Russia is regulated by Customs and Tax codes of the Russian Federation. All imported goods are subject to mandatory taxes- custom duties, excise duties, VAT and others types of duties. The fees are paid by the importers or an authorized representative of the importer, whose authority is to represent the importer’s interest at the time of crossing the border and is confirmed by relevant documents.

As per Russia Export Data, here is the procedure of importing goods to Russia

1. Select the Product and Pre-Negotiate About Cost: This cost will later be shown in Custom declaration. The cost of goods will be the main part of custom value of goods. The funds spent actually on purchase of products, licenses and transportation by time of crossing the border of Russia.

2. Determining Appropriate Product Code: Knowing this code one can determine the rates of taxes, duties and fees. Also find the specifics of importing a particular product to territory of Russian Federation- what licenses, certificates and permits might be required. By choosing the appropriate product code one can optimize the expenses.

3. Get Required Licenses and Certificates: Sign contract with seller can obtain licenses and certificates to be provided at the time of shipment of the product.

4. Sign Contract with Transport Company: All kinds of transportation are set out in the international document. It is important to know these names of cargo transportation conditions as specified in customs declaration.

5. Make Payments under Contracts for Goods and Transportation of goods.

6. Provide money for customs clearance

7. Carry out an electronic preliminary notification to the customs of Russian Federation not later than 2 hours before crossing the border

8. Submit the transit declaration

9. Deliver cargo within the specified time from the border to the place of delivery at the internal customs post and place it in customs control zone or temporary storage warehouse

10. Prepare and submit a declaration of goods

11. Make customs payments to the Federal customs service at the stage of customs clearance

12. Transport the products to warehouse

13. Store all the documents for completed imports for at least 5 years.

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