Set up your Import Export Business Happily - Trade Guide

To setup and grow your import export business is not a cake- walk activity. It is in fact about match-making. One needs to match product manufacturers to markets that have clearly demonstrated demand for those products.

For matching products and markets; demand and supply, it is important that you need a reliable methods of data discovery. You need accurate Global Import Export Data for the same.

There are 3 ways in which you can enter the import-export business in India:

1. As an export management company

2. As an export trading company

3. Export-Import merchant.

Here are some of the steps that you need to take before starting an import export business –

1. A Valid PAN – Permanent account number and GST registration

2. Register your Company with the Registrar of companies if you plan to operate as a Company registration is advised even if you plan to run a sole proprietorship, a partnership firm or an LLP.

3. Open a current account

4. Get an importer exporter code IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign trade under the ministry of commerce. This process is now completely online and can be completed in no time.

5. Identify the product that you wish to import or export: This will help you decide which export promotion council you need to apply to for membership. Being a member of such councils gives you access to events, conferences and other assistance you may need from time to time.

6. Before you become a member of Export promotion council you will need a registration cum membership certificate from statutory export development authority. Marine products export development authority processes RCMCs for marine products.

7. Subscribe to an import export trade data platform: You may think you can do all the research to have profitable markets and products in demand. However it is important you need to have accurate data at disposal. Brazil Import Data will help you get information about imports dynamics of Brazil.

Being an exporter and importer is an arduous and stressful profession. With the right knowledge and plan you can make things predictable and easy. Get in touch with Brazil Export Data for good and accurate data pertaining to Brazil exports.

Having access to real-time and accurate data will help you avoid costly errors and reap success in your export or import business.

HS Codes: How Beginner Imports and Export Traders can utilize it?


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